Parent & Student Preparation

__Outdoor Education Program__________

Parents & Students
Get ready for your Outdoor Education trip

Please do not hesitate to call (970)468-2098 or email if you have any questions.

English | Spanish


Keystone Science School is a non-profit organization that offers multi-day place-based learning field trips focused on outdoor education and environmental science. Dorm-based programs are located at our 23-acre campus in the rocky mountains of Keystone Colorado. Our camping-based programs utilize the natural landscape of Colorado to teach students outdoor and environmental education. We’re so excited to have your student participate in an outdoor education field trip!

Meals & Dietary Restrictions

Food, Food Allergies & Dietary Restricions

We play hard at Keystone Science School and we know fueling our participants is the most important thing we can do to keep them healthy, happy, and energetic!

Students will eat breakfast and dinner in our dining hall prepared by our KSS kitchen staff, and they will pack lunches and snacks for the day in the mornings. ALL students should bring a sack lunch for their first day. All other meals are provided.

KSS is a nut-aware campus. Please send your student’s food free of any nut products. This includes peanut or almond butter, trail mix, and granola bars with nuts.

Meals and snacks are nutritious and prepared to manage common food allergies (nuts/tree nuts/dairy/gluten/etc.) Please note any food allergies or dietary restrictions in the General Liability and Medical Waiver. If you would like to speak with someone at the Keystone Science School about your student’s specific food needs, please contact us directly at (970)468-2098 or email

To prevent rodents we don’t allow any food or snacks in the dorms. If any student brings food for the trip it will need to be stored in a designated space in the dining hall.

Sample Menu

Day 1


Bring Your Own Lunch


Pasta, Sauce/s, Garlic Bread, Meat Balls, Vegetarian Meat Substitute, salad bar

Day 2


Eggs, Bacon, Hash Browns, and Breakfast Bar – Yogurt, Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice


Sack Lunch – Sandwich, 2-3 Snacks, and Fruit


Sliced Apples & Goldfish


Chicken & Veggie fajitas, white rice, black black beans, salad bar

Day 3


Pancakes, Sausage (meat and veggie options), and Breakfast Bar – Yogurt, Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice


Sliced Oranges & Gardettos


Sack Lunch – Sandwich, 2-3 Snacks, and Fruit

Required to Attend
What will students learn?
Emergency Contact Info
Student Experience
Sample Scheduler


Keystone Science School es una organización sin fines de lucro que ofrece excursiones de aprendizaje enfocadas en educación al aire libre y ciencias naturales. Los programas con pernocta en cabañas se ubican en nuestro campus de 23 acres en las montañas de Keystone Colorado. Nuestros programas con campamento base utilizan el paisaje natural de Colorado para enseñar a los y las estudiantes sobre la naturaleza y el aire libre. ¡Estamos muy emocionados de tener a su estudiante en nuestras excursiones!


KSS tiene experiencia para adaptar el menú a restricciones alimenticias o alergias de sus participantes. Trabajamos en conjunto con escuelas y padres/madres de familia para entender las necesidades de cada individuo y preparar alimentos acorde a ellas. Es importante que nos indique cualquier necesidad alimenticia cuando complete los formularios requeridos para su estudiante.

Requerimientos para Asistir
¿Qué va a aprender mi hijo/a?
Información para Contactos de Emergencia
<a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Lista para Empacar</a>