Parent & Student Preparation

__Outdoor Education Program__________

Parents & Students
Get ready for your Outdoor Education trip

Please do not hesitate to call (970)468-2098 or email if you have any questions.

English | Spanish


Keystone Science School is a non-profit organization that offers multi-day place-based learning field trips focused on outdoor education and environmental science. Dorm-based programs are located at our 23-acre campus in the rocky mountains of Keystone Colorado. Our camping-based programs utilize the natural landscape of Colorado to teach students outdoor and environmental education. We’re so excited to have your student participate in an outdoor education field trip!

Meals & Dietary Restrictions

Food, Food Allergies & Dietary Restricions

We play hard at Keystone Science School and we know fueling our participants is the most important thing we can do to keep them healthy, happy, and energetic!

Students will eat breakfast and dinner in our dining hall prepared by our KSS kitchen staff, and they will pack lunches and snacks for the day in the mornings. ALL students should bring a sack lunch for their first day. All other meals are provided.

KSS is a nut-aware campus. Please send your student’s food free of any nut products. This includes peanut or almond butter, trail mix, and granola bars with nuts.

Meals and snacks are nutritious and prepared to manage common food allergies (nuts/tree nuts/dairy/gluten/etc.) Please note any food allergies or dietary restrictions in the General Liability and Medical Waiver. If you would like to speak with someone at the Keystone Science School about your student’s specific food needs, please contact us directly at (970)468-2098 or email

To prevent rodents we don’t allow any food or snacks in the dorms. If any student brings food for the trip it will need to be stored in a designated space in the dining hall.

Sample Menu

Day 1


Bring Your Own Lunch


Pasta, Sauce/s, Garlic Bread, Meat Balls, Vegetarian Meat Substitute, salad bar

Day 2


Eggs, Bacon, Hash Browns, and Breakfast Bar – Yogurt, Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice


Sack Lunch – Sandwich, 2-3 Snacks, and Fruit


Sliced Apples & Goldfish


Chicken & Veggie fajitas, white rice, black black beans, salad bar

Day 3


Pancakes, Sausage (meat and veggie options), and Breakfast Bar – Yogurt, Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice


Sliced Oranges & Gardettos


Sack Lunch – Sandwich, 2-3 Snacks, and Fruit


Dorm Based Program

Students will stay in one of our log-style dormitories, featuring bunk beds, restrooms with showers, and a community space. There are two dormitories and both dorms are located in the center of campus. Each room sleeps four to five students and there are eight rooms in each dorm. Chaperones stay in a room with bunk-beds off of the community space.

Learn more about our dorms here.

Camping Based Program

Depending on the location, students will either sleep in 4 person tents under the amazing Colorado sky or in rustic cabins (State Forest State Park location only). Each campsite has a short walk to bathroom facilities. Keystone Science School provides tents, kitchen gear, and sun/rain shelters.

Required to Attend

All parents are required to fill out forms for KSS programs. Forms are provided electronically by the lead teacher. Students without completed forms will not be permitted to attend.


If you would like photos from your child’s experience, please be sure to opt into our emails when completing the required forms. We would love to share the experience with you!

What will students learn?

Each Keystone Science School program is specifically designed to meet the goals provided by your child’s classroom teacher. All programs include elements of team building, leadership, and an environmental science topic. Throughout the day students will be in small groups of up to 13 students as they hike, snowshoe, or cross-country ski. In the evening students will do a large group activity with all their classmates.

Emergency Contact Info

Should you need to get a hold of your school or student, please contact your school’s administrator for the group lead or lead teachers contact information.

Student Experience

Student Conduct

KSS staff, teachers, and school chaperones will work together during the KSS program to communicate with students about behavior expectations and to address inappropriate behavior, as needed. If a student behaves in any way that is considered by KSS staff, teachers, or school chaperones to be detrimental to the quality and best interest of the program or other students, KSS reserves the right to dismiss that student from the program. If a child is dismissed from the program, parents or guardians of the child will be contacted by the lead teacher from the school and asked to pick up their child from the KSS program.

Student Medical/Liability Form

Since 1976, Keystone Science School has provided the highest quality, dynamic outdoor learning experiences for students. We need information from parents to provide the best experience possible for your children. You will receive a link to an electronic general liability and medical waiver from your school. Please fill out the form completely.

Students who have not submitted a completed and signed general liability and medical waiver will not be permitted to attend the program with Keystone Science School.

Risk Management & Student Communication

All KSS school program instructors hold current wilderness medicine certifications and are trained in current risk management practices. In the event of an incident or medical emergency, students are initially treated by KSS program instructors. If professional medical attention is required, the KSS staff in conjunction with the lead teacher and the school’s designated medical administrator will arrange transportation for the student(s) to the nearest medical clinic. The school’s teachers or chaperones will notify parents of the ill or injured student as soon as the situation allows.

We understand that emergencies happen. If a parent/guardian needs to contact their child for an emergency, first please contact your school’s lead teacher. If you can not get a hold of them you may call the Keystone Science School main office at (970) 468-2098. If it is after hours you will receive instructions for how to contact our night time emergency phone number. Please note that the lead teacher will be the one you will need to communicate with even if you call the KSS phone number.

Student Medications

KSS staff are not permitted to administer student medications except in life threatening situations. Teachers and school chaperones from the students’ school are required to follow their school’s policies regarding handling and dispensing student medications. KSS will provide a secure location for medications to be stored. If your student has food allergies or special medical or physical concerns, please describe these conditions thoroughly on the Student Medical Form.

Sample Scheduler

Sample Schedule

Day 1

  • 12:00pm: Arrival, Lunch & Orientations
  • 1:30pm: Field group activities
  • 4:00pm: All group activities
  • 5:00pm: Free time
  • 6:00pm: Dinner time
  • 7:00pm: Free time
  • 7:30pm: Evening programming
  • 8:30pm: To the dorms for bedtime*

Day 2

  • 8:00am: Breakfast
  • 9:00am: Prep for the day
  • 9:30am: Field group activities
  • 10:30am: Off-campus field day
  • 3:30pm: Arrive back to KSS
  • 4:00pm: Activities
  • 5:00pm: Free time
  • 6:00pm: Dinner
  • 7:30pm: Evening programming
  • 8:30pm: To the dorms for bedtime*

Day 3

  • 7:00am: Pack up and clean up dorms
  • 8:00am: Breakfast
  • 9:00am: Culminating group activities
  • 11:00am: Program wrap-up
  • 11:45am: Load buses for departure
  • 12:00pm: Departure

*Bedtime might be earlier for younger students.


Keystone Science School es una organización sin fines de lucro que ofrece excursiones de aprendizaje enfocadas en educación al aire libre y ciencias naturales. Los programas con pernocta en cabañas se ubican en nuestro campus de 23 acres en las montañas de Keystone Colorado. Nuestros programas con campamento base utilizan el paisaje natural de Colorado para enseñar a los y las estudiantes sobre la naturaleza y el aire libre. ¡Estamos muy emocionados de tener a su estudiante en nuestras excursiones!


KSS tiene experiencia para adaptar el menú a restricciones alimenticias o alergias de sus participantes. Trabajamos en conjunto con escuelas y padres/madres de familia para entender las necesidades de cada individuo y preparar alimentos acorde a ellas. Es importante que nos indique cualquier necesidad alimenticia cuando complete los formularios requeridos para su estudiante.


Los y las estudiantes se quedarán en nuestras cabañas que tienen dormitorios con literas, baños, regaderas y un espacio común. Tenemos dos cabañas y ambas se encuentran en el centro del campus. En cada cuarto caben de cuatro a cinco estudiantes y hay ocho cuartos en cada cabaña. Los y las Chaperones se quedarán en un cuarto con literas cerca del espacio común. Toma un tour virtual de nuestros dormitorios.


Dependiendo de la ubicación, los y las estudiantes dormirán en tiendas de 3-4 personas bajo el hermoso cielo de Colorado o en cabañas rústicas (Sólo en State Forest). Cada campamento posee baños a unos pocos pasos caminando. Keystone Science School provee tiendas, equipo para cocinar y refugios para el sol y la lluvia.

Requerimientos para Asistir

Todos los padres y las madres deberán llenar los formularios para los programas de KSS. Los formularios se proveen electrónicamente por el/la maestro/a líder. Se le prohibirá la asistencia a cualquier estudiante que no cuente con formularios completos.


Si le gustaría ver fotos de la experiencia de su estudiante, por favor asegúrese de aceptar recibir nuestros correos cuando complete los formularios requeridos. ¡Nos encantaría compartir la experiencia con usted!

¿Qué va a aprender mi hijo/a?

Dependiendo del currículum seleccionado por su escuela, su hijo/a aprenderá una variedad de ciencias o exploraciones enfocados al tema. Lea más sobre nuestros currículums aquí.

Información para Contactos de Emergencia

Si necesita comunicarse con la escuela o su estudiante, favor de contactar a la administración de su escuela para obtener la información del líder o del o de la maestro/a líder del grupo.

<a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Lista para Empacar</a>