Overnight School Field Trip Challenges


Keystone Science School loves teaching environmental and outdoor education programs. It is our goal to make sure that every student has the opportunity to experience a unique field-based science program. We understand that organizing an overnight field trip is never an easy task for a teacher, administrator, or parent volunteer. We also understand that sometimes there are several barriers when organizing an overnight outdoor education program. The most common barriers expressed by teachers are the loss of class time, budget, and the logistics involved.

It’s our goal to knock down all barriers so that we can bring every school that wishes to provide an overnight field trip experience to their students, in the unique environment of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Below are just some ways that we can continue partnering with schools, so that every student can experience a high impact science field trip. Please call us or email and let’s start chatting about how we can help eliminate all barriers and get your school on an overnight field trip with Keystone Science school.

Loss of Classroom Time?

Has your principal or school board stopped you from field trips due to the reduction of instructional time? While this can be a perceived barrier Keystone Science School prides ourselves on our instruction and academic content within every field trip. We work specifically with each teacher to define the goals of the program so that a KSS field trip can be an extension of the classroom curriculum. Science is our middle name but our programs are often very interdisciplinary and incorporate all major content areas.

Our classroom time often exceeds the number of typical hours students experience within a typical school day. On average, students receive 18 hours of instruction time in a three-day program. This doesn’t even include the intangible learning which happens during dorm and meal time. KSS is often explained as being a field trip experience which completely changes the classroom dynamic.


If your school is experiencing a challenging financial situation and field trips are often blacklisted because of money, please reach out. Just as we partner with teachers and administrators to create a high-end field-based science trips, we also work in tandem with schools to help with financial challenges schools might face. We have our own scholarship program. There is a brief application to be considered for funding and then we can help find money for your outdoor education field trip. We will even solicit funds from businesses and other organizations close to your school. Just because your school has financial constraints doesn’t mean your students can’t experience an amazing environmental education program.

Logistical Support

An overnight science field trip is not always easy to manage, but we’re here to help. We can spend as much time on the phone, do a Google Hangout/Skype/FaceTime, or even come to your school to do a face to face presentation with your parents. We also have a great Teacher Resources section of our website which can take you step by step through the organization of the program. We have packets of information which can be used, so that organizing an overnight field trip isn’t too daunting.