Tag: Discovery Camp

  • Favorite Themed Week of Discovery Camp

    Favorite Themed Week of Discovery Camp

    What is your favorite themed week of Discovery Camp? Hear from a few of our staff about what theme they like the most!

  • Favorite Day of Discovery Camp

    Favorite Day of Discovery Camp

    What is your favorite day of Discovery Camp? Hear from a few of our staff about what their day they like the most!

  • The Purpose of Our Campfire

    The Purpose of Our Campfire

    Our Campfire is one of our favorite summer camp traditions at Keystone Science School. Singing songs, silly skits, and of course roasting marshmallows to make s’mores, the Campfire helps ease campers into the camp experience and show them it’s ok to let loose and be goofy! We begin summer camp with our Campfire to help…

  • Guardian Pickup and Drop-off at Summer Camp

    Guardian Pickup and Drop-off at Summer Camp

    Before you bring your camper KSS, we want to prepare you for the check-in process and camp celebration at the conclusion of each session. The following is a summary of our drop-off and pick-up times for all of our summer programs: Program Location Drop-Off Time Pick-Up Time Day Camp KSS Campus 8:30am-9am 4:30pm-5pm Pathfinders KSS…

  • What to do when your camper or student is on the Waitlist

    What to do when your camper or student is on the Waitlist

    You may have been placed on the waitlist for one or more sessions of programming. A lot can change between now and the start of the session, and we are hopeful that we can accommodate your programming request. We want you to know everything that goes into the waitlist. The following is a little more…

  • Discovery Overnight Camp: What to Expect?

    Discovery Overnight Camp: What to Expect?

    Discovery Overnight Camp is the flagship overnight program at Keystone Science School. This overnight camp option offers a traditonal overnight camp experience mixed with Science, Adventure, and FUN! Campers can choose from 1 or 2 week sessions. Each session follows the same core activities and adventures with a different science theme hidden in each week. Sleeping…

  • Three Elements that make a Challenge Hike

    Three Elements that make a Challenge Hike

    While away from their everyday lives at Keystone Science School’s summer camp, kids get the chance to step out of their comfort zones, gain independence, and learn about themselves. Challenge Hikes are one of many ways that campers and students can learn these lessons. Simply put, a hike is just a long walk. Sometimes for pleasure,…

  • The Hidden Purpose of CLAW

    The Hidden Purpose of CLAW

    On Monday of our Discovery Camp Deluxe session, the first question we hear from campers is, “Are we having CLAW this year?” Of course, we always answer, “Nope we’ve changed the Deluxe schedule this summer.”  They know we’re lying, but they play along anyway.  Half the fun of CLAW is the anticipation! Wait just one…